0x800705aa error


today I found another problem. This morning I launched the CIS antivirus to check my system, after 6 hours checking I noticed that the antivurs was checkin the same directory…so i tried to stop it and the answer was the screenshot below.
My pc profile is a Server 2003 with 2 gb of ram.

What resources CIS is referring to?
How can I fix the problem?

Thank you in advance
– Robbio

[attachment deleted by admin]


maybe I found the problem. For some strange reasons NetBeans (an IDE for Java) made a path directory recursively (a generic project ), more than 250 characters, and when CIS antivirus was looking for that directory it’s there for undefined time until you stop it, and then it shows the “poor resources” message.
I don’t know what technology the CIS’ devlopers are using to parse the windows folders but for example in the C/C++ runtime library for windows the _MAX_PATH constant is defined as 260 characters about.

Maybe this could be helpful.

– Robbio

AFAIK CIS doesn’t officially support any of Microsoft’s Windows Server operating systems.

The error with code 0x800705aa appears when the cmdagent.exe crashes silently. Restarting COMODO Internet Security Helper Service will make GUI responsive again.