When will the next major update be for Comodo Internet Security?

So for those that use only Defense+ and Firewall there is no need to update?

I would still recommend updating because most likely some other small bugs have been fixed and you will need to update anyway if you want to update to any other future versions.

Alot of the comments in this thread seem to be about the Comodo GUI.

I use the current CIS. My take is it’s fine, and better than fine. With one click, it tell’s me everything I need to know about my current situation with a glance, with nice quick shortcuts, links, to tools and more info. One of the most useful interfaces I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen alot. Of course it could do more I guess, or less. I fear the less.

Heck, for novices it even includes the obligatory green checkmark. And it’s, thankfully, much smaller than other security GUI’s I’ve experienced.

I really hope the new GUI continues it’s awesome traits. (Not talking about the green checkmark trait.)

Thanks for update i m eagerly waiting for 3.10 & ofcourse 4.0 8)

Great GUI for experienced users?
Where to begin… 88)

You can’t sort on columns, too difficult to find programs when you want to manually fine-tune rules, logging is terrible, you have to open multiple windows to do simple things, the Apply buttons behave like OK buttons, the tray icon doesn’t show any indicator that your security was left disabled…
And was just off the top of my head!!

CIS’s GUI is terrible, and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know anything about UI design.
In fact, if I could find a HIPS with the same stability, speed, and low resource requirements, I would switch right away.

It would be good if Comodo took a second look at mature products such as Winroute, Zonealarm and Outpost so they could get some UI tips.

You can post those here.

No. GUI is not terrible. But you don’t seem to differ between bad GUI design and buggy/unpolished one. Because CIS has the later one…

The GUI is not buggy, just the structure and so on sucks, much too much text on one heap.

The next GUI should solve this one (:AGY)


“Words cut” does not make a software with professional appearance and the translators can not solve all problems. This is not the role of translators.


(:AGY) >:( (:AGY)

Just make the lines long enough ;D

No, I haven’t seen any GUI bugs in almost a year.

OK - Apply - Cancel has been a standard for dialog boxes for quite some time.
XP had it from the beginning, but I am supposed to make a special request post for this?
Wouldn’t this be a no brainer?

Melih is a ■■■■ genius.

  1. Release a product as freeware and provide good forum.
  2. Everyone likes free, so you get hundreds of thousands of users who will provide feedback so you can isolate the bugs.
  3. Have your development team focus on stability, speed, and low resource requirements, the three things enterprises like, and ignore the client GUI since consumers aren’t the true target.
  4. Develop a slammin’ GUI for your enterprise control software.
  5. Package your slammin’ enterprise GUI with your fully debugged security clients as a competitor to a product such as Symantec’s Endpoint Security, and market this to enterprises.
  6. Sit back and watch the loot roll in.

got any pictures of the enterprise GUI?

No, but he would be a fool to not put priority on the enterprise control GUI, given that the only revenue from the consumer side is the tech-take-control-of-your-pc nonsense, and IMO Melih is no fool.

enterprise solutions don’t need slick GUI in my opinion. Where I am at right now they use trend micro 88) office-scan and the interface is just nasty but who cares really.

I never used the word, “slick”.

IMO a slammin’ GUI is one that is functional.

When your job requirements mean that you have to use the interface of an application 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, “slick” is the last thing you will be concerned about.

CIS may have received accolades for its reliability and performance, but I have never seen a reviewer wowed by CIS ease of use, and the wonderful design of its GUI.

You know why?
Because it is terrible.
Plain and simple.

Plain and simple, if the current one was good comodo would not be working on a new GUI for vs 4

The new GUI looks very nice and user friendly, kind of like CTM GUI but a bit better looking! :slight_smile:

Here we go again about the better looking…

Why should Comodo care about the looks of a freeware application?
Is this comodo.org?

Take a look at something like SystemTools Hyena.

Entire application looks like an Excel spreadsheet, but by golly, when you need to check the Event Logs on a thousand boxes in 30 minutes, boy does it shine, and this enterprise market is where Comodo will get its ROI on its “How can Comodo give so much away for free” rhetoric.


Well comodo has the Trade Mark “Creating Trust Online”, and i dont think that will happen with the current look.

Besides the current CIS GUI is not the GUI for CIS in enterprise machines, that GUI is Comodo Endpoint Security Manager!

That is not a “Trade Mark”, it is a marketing slogan, and marketing slogans are subject to change without prior notice.
