The Everything Is Off-Topic Thread



Sorry, Ewen. Had to use you as an example to lure you into this deathtrap thread. Another lover victim for Ganda to play with ;D

We go way back. He helped with the polygraph heist.

cool mode activated
eehm (:NRD)
question for today: (:NRD)
why can’t i use PrtSc & mspaint for capturing screenshot from movie?

cool mode deactivated


PRT SC is capturing only from the screen bitmap buffer. DVD and most movie-type thingys use a separate bufer space.


any suggestion to do it?

There’s option in MPC that allows saving images as bitmaps, but the output renderer must be something other than “overlay mixer”, like “system default”.

Just in case you don’t get it, MPC = Media Player Classic.

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:BNC woohoo
soon i’ll have meowth wall paper ;D

kisses for you :-* :-* :-*

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I know meow the expression by a cat, but what’s meowth? That cat in PokĂ©mon?

I knew that was coming :-X

how do you put the dot above the e?==> â€œĂ©â€
yes, team rocket’s meowth. the one & only talking meowth. :slight_smile:

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We have something called copy + paste

hmmm, i feel familiar with that something 88)

So what other anime have you been watching? Sailor Moon or Power Rangers?

Power Rangers is anime? (:NRD)

It may be to Ganda :slight_smile:

Now we have another play toy for Ganda ;D

ehm ehm (:NRD)
i’ve watched 72 episodes of Pokemon & 27 episodes of Saint seiya, i’m sick of them (:TNG)
i’m currently watching “City hunter” ;D

hey, look at this ad, got it from we need to pay for firewall test application ???

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Why are you going for the old school anime? You must be an old fart (:TNG)

Ganda, you should ask them for a free 30-day trial period to test your firewall.

Wow. :-TU for Mr. Detective. Looks like your City Hunter anime-watching fest is helping out already.