The Everything Is Off-Topic Thread

Lol :slight_smile:

Do you realy think that Ganda understands the meaning of the word “rhetoric” 88) Besides for him every question is an opertunity to spam :stuck_out_tongue: So I am 99.99 % sure he will answer ;D

Greetz, Red.

IMO shin-ganda understands much more than the meaning of the word “rhetoric”.

mmmmmm,i`m gonna take some persuading on that one (:TNG)

good thing we have Wiki (:TNG)

??? see the same what? can i do that too?

and what’s this guy up to? (:TNG)

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Thank you Ganda for proving my point (:CLP)

Greetz, Red.

He’s found a new way to post !ot!


I’ll let him know :wink:

I think he’s hacking your account. You sure like to attract unwanted visitors.

Never mind. He already knows.

  1. still no answer for this 88)

:frowning: i’m gonna stop spamming around…for 1.5minutes ;D


If your question made sense, there surely will be answer.

Ok, I’ll just stab something in the dark here:

We see what you see (plus IP addy’s) in the Who’s Online page. Also, if it’s “unknown” it could really be someone hacking (who knows? that’s why it’s labelled “unknown” :P). If it’s the Ewen-going-to-the-little-boys’-washroom message, it could be a number a things, such as someone registering the account.

what part of it that didn’t make sense? i want to see ewen in bathroom…ooopss :-X
ok i get the part “you see what i see” (hmmm, what do i see? 88) ), i mean what exactly/possibly they do that creates “unknown action”?

what’s the meaning of “hidden”? (:NRD)

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Definition of unknown. That or read my last edited post.

You need to take that test again. Hidden means that guy (sorry, rarely do we have any gals here :'() is currently logged in this forum, but regular members see him as not.

oh OK, nothing special then 88) , i thought there’s option to hide yourself 88)

ehmm, (:NRD) so…define “regular member” ;D

That’s real tricky. Ironically, in this case, you are one of them.

:frowning: i’m above regular >:( i am certified super spammer O0 , IT expert (i know how to send,receive, & delete emails 8) ), and self proclaimed “computer security advisor” (i advise you to use super giant padlock & chain to secure your computer).

and you are a bloody hacker :o :o :o

[attachment deleted by admin]

If I was a real bloody hacker I would be using Soyabeaner Firewall version 1.3

phheew, then it must be “bathroom time” (:TNG)

Ganda >:( Misquoting me >:(

i’m fast 8) , yeaah, you’re too slow to be a hacker

We should ban everyone that doesn’t quote correct :BNC