Scot Finney: Online Armor best Firewall Of 2008

I have the same thought

Melih are you imagining scot is here? :smiley:


CFP 3 with Leak protection mode was the mode you created much fuss about. Now this firewall mode with leak protection has become most secure and most usable (almost no pop-ups) piece of software and was available at the time of your testing.

Why did you not test it?

Did you tell your readers that you did NOT test the CFP v3 in Firewall with Leak protection mode?

if not why not?



is it that important if this scott decided that OA was the best firewall 2008 for him?
the prob is that he’s not informed about some things or he thinks we’re jealous so we imagine issues, but if he knew all issues we found as he decided he liked OA and said OA was best in 2008, would he post the same thing?
i don’t know if this blog is wellknown and visited by lot of people but if it’s the case, he could influenced people that thought they would get the best protection as we were finding new prob every day.
and not little prob, so i don’t know how he chooses his security progs but in general, people choosed it depending of the capacity to protect the best way their system.
and when u can crash your security prog, there’s a problem somewhere, we don’t share the same logic.

  • the last tests that bypassed OA with rootkit installation and dll injection, i think his choice was dangerous for customers.
    i read last OA fixed that but he choosed OA at build 95 if i remember well, and u can check the results in
    now, i have to check if the FW still crashes when it’s flooded.
    and with new tests we’re going to add, we’ll see if there are no others issues to fix.

Frankly i can’t understand the fascination about what Scot Finnie thinks…
The guy has officially declared that he is a Mac user, and yet his opinion still matters on Windows software??!

IMO, as a member of the “Old Guard”, Finnie is as irrelevant as his employer’s magazine.


I didn’t know he declared himself as an official Mac user?

February 2007 - Vol. 7, Issue No. 88

.....I am now recommending the Macintosh for business and home users....... ........With my Mac environment becoming permanent...............

Windows Expert Scot Finnie Goes Mac. For Good.

  • After a 3-month trial, Scot Finnie says Bye-Bye to Windows
    By: Ilinca Strobel, Editor, Software Reviews
    9th February 2007, 09:07 GMT

So over 12 months he has been on MAC!!! No wonder it took him that long to decide on firewalls!!! Cos he wasn’t using them (:CLP)

That raises an important question: If he wasn’t using them, then how did he decide?


yes, u’re just right axl,
when u see that matousec made mistakes, what can happen to anyone, and i think matousec knows way more things on firewalls than this blog, we can’t take this too serious, who found all those issues about his favorite FW?
us or him? who helped OA to fix his product that was full of issues? us or him?
u imagine how many issues we found in 1 month and that they fixed?
so how he tests FWs really?
he talks about defense+ with so many popups but maybe someone has to teach him how to use it.
defense+ is the best protection actually, i ran an exe some days ago, was a virus but not detected by most of AV,
if defense+ didnt informed me about what was trying to do the file, i would never know that it was just a virus.
files wanted to create keys, wanted to create dll in system32, so all those infos were enough to block that thing.
i sent the file to kaspersky and they added it to their virus list.
i’m not sure he got a real vision of the actual situation pc users are going to face more and more, if your AV is uptodate and find no danger in the file, so most of people will trust their AV and launch the file.
then it’s done, u’re virused silently, your machine is added to the list of zombie machines that are thousand and thousand, and if i run this file on OA, what will happen? do u want to run this file? yes, then u’re smart.
we had no alert as rootkit test1 was loading a driver and run it on the system!
so what will happen with this new virus? will OA alert me if i allow the prog to run?
people will say yes u can use safe mode, so i’ll use all in safe mode?
if people dont get that defense+ is the best solution actually to protect their system, maybe it’s cause they think that with their good AV uptodate and a good firewall, they’re safe. but we can modify any virus so the AV doesnt detect anything.
what is important is a protection that alert u on what a file u launch is trying to do before it can be allowed to run on your system. if u dont understand alert defense+ popups on your screen that block the file till u answer allow or block when it says the file wants to create keys, wants to create dll in system32, what is exactly a typical virus activity, so your system can get virused everyday, it’s the only protection that can save your system when your AV doesnt detect the bad file.
there’s no other way to protect u from unknow malware. file activity must be stopped before it can run and analyse what is going to do the file. with that protection, u’re safe from unknow malware cause it informs u about all activities and block them so the file is unable to do anything till u decide to allow it or not.
what best protection can u get when your AV failed to detect the malware? none except if u use defense+ that will analyse and alert u about the unknown malware intentions so u just block his activities and u escap from a possible serious virus that will destroy your system… some malwares can completly take control of your system and except reinstall your system, there’s no way to clean your machine depend of the danger of the code.

Now scotts naughty Melih. He changed it.

Online Armor 2.1 [s].0.112[/s] (the paid version) is the best firewall I’ve ever tested, offering a blend of usability and hard-wired security that’s near-ideal for maximizing protection and ensuring a good user experience. A great firewall doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t be, a chore to use. Online Armor isn’t.

A year and a half after launching this quest, naming OA the Best Firewall Software of 2008 came naturally. The very best products have a way of standing out.

The tallemu page also changed.

Mikes being naughty :D.

How can you just go back in the past and update a review when a better version comes…BIAS.

He probably paid scott just like matousec.

Too bad google cache didn’t have the old version or i’d show wilders what happens behind the scenes with tallemu.

[at] Coolio 10 and anyone else who wants to flame,

If you want to accuse a company, or an individual from a company, of behaving unethically, please do so


“We do not need them to fail, for us to succeed.”

Ewen :slight_smile:

:-TU :-TU :-TU

Thanks ewen :-TU :-TU
It is getting a bit old

Our aim is the Protection of users!

if it means we can also protect them from mis-leading information from likes of Scott’s blog, then so be it!

We will protect the users, Period!!!


PS: I agree with Ewen though.

I certainly agree with Ewen. Isn’t it about time to lock this thread? Throwing rocks over the fence from a distance sounds like nothing but sour grapes and petulance. This forum is supposedly about " Learn about Computer Security and Interact with Security Experts " not remotely accusing others of wrongdoing. Take it up with Scot, Matousec, TallEmu if you want to help the users.

Thread locked

Considering that some of Scot’s users read this forum it is legitimate place to communicate with the users using this forum.


I’m just a bit concerned about the possible perception of “Methinks they doth protesteth too much.”

Well I would agree with that sentiment…
however on the other hand this is not a protest as such but making sure end users know the real facts. If we don’t fight for end users to make sure they have all the facts then how can we expect them to trust us?

How can we expect end users to trust us if we don’t fight for them all the way?



Are you not honour bound to inform all your users that the alert they received from OA is not a virus but their developer putting an alert in for his birthday!!?

if not why not? Do you think all your users were expecting an alert from OA on 29th for the birthday? Won’t they think that their machine is infected with a virus, cos they might have a hard time associating a security product giving these kind of birthday messages!!?

Scot…do not be shy to ask for help next time on things you do not know!!

There is a great saying… "it is not a shame not to know, its a shame not to learn"

this subject is finally closed!
