Comodo Internet Security V8.2.0.4703 (Chrome Hotfix) is released!

That is a different problem than the browser crashing on start up. If I understand correctly Chrome is freezing on start up but it will start. When it runs part of the time tabs are not loading and extensions crash (although not enabled). Excluding them in CIS does not help.

It looks like the problem may not be with CIS. Are you willing to uninstall CIS and see if the problem persists or not? Don’t forget to export your active configuration to a folder that is not part of the CIS installation folder in case you want to import it.

ok. tried this chrome edition on windows 10 pro x64 fresh install and cis do not works. the main gui sometimes freeze and the firewall is making strange things with network adapter. when disabling the cis network driver my network works again.

time to cis 9 shows up with windows 10 “real” compatibility…

Can you run Diagnostics and see what it reports?

yro, it sounds to me like you’ve got a problem with Windows registry

turns out that was something related to some registry entries faulting. I deleted some cis related entries, reinstalled cis and its working now.

the problem is that its supposed to work out of the box and in my case windows 10 was just installed (oh! all updates installed too before cis installation). cis didnt work. thats the problem.

imagine if all users need to have advanced tech knowledge (to dig into windows registry) to just install cis… its going to be, atleast, a pain in the n$ts…

Do you recall what entries you deleted from the registry?

everyones related to network adapter, tap adapter, cis-tray entries, shell extension entries and (dont remember well) I guess some entry related to cis startup processes.

I didnt deleted the hole comodo flags on registry. I deleted only some entries in the comodo entry folders of registries. (dont know if im writing right)

its 11/09/2015 and nothing about cis 9 beta BuketB?

Yro, what have you and many others been told countless times?
It will be released only when it is ready. You will be notified when this is.

I know that and thats sad… :frowning: But I cant help. I neeeeeeeeeed to ask!!! Special when BuketB told us it will be released on the first week of the month… :frowning:

Please. Stop. Whining.

@Comodo (John Buchanan, BuketB): I would simply refrain from issuing any release dates, even if they are estimated. Doing so causes more problems than they’re worth and, in some cases, may result in a product being released prematurely that isn’t thoroughly tested.

The problem with development is that it is hard to predict. There may be unexpected bugs causing set backs … :-\ That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to get my hands on a beta release.

Why don’t you create a new thread called Pointless speculation about the next CIS release for posts like yours so that forum members looking for useful information can save time.

i dont want to do it. I want post it in here, bcause I can.

If You dont like, go somewhere else, some cave…

Stay on topic, everyone.

i am on topic. on topic that buketB bringed us some days ago when she spoke that cis 9 beta was comming in the first week of this month.

but lets talk about this new cis. cant test it anymore. im back on windows 7 for now.

anyway, is that any informations about why so many problems with this release and windows 10? any cis dev talked about it?

but lets talk about this new cis. cant test it anymore. im back on windows 7 for now.

anyway, is that any informations about why so many problems with this release and windows 10? any cis dev talked about it?

To what problems are you referring? Problems with freshly installed CIS on Win 10 or problems with computers that were upgraded to Win 10?

CIS development has always been like this.
Developers need time to adress all the major bugs a new release can bring with and that takes time.
It’s difficult to guess the exact release date, that’s why people here always say “it will be out when it’s ready”.
I actually agree with this, but usually other users push to have an estimated release date, so developers give them a date… and here the problems happen because people expect to have the new release on that date.

About CIS problems/issues… CIS is like this, it’s very difficult to update from a major release to another. And this is even more true if you update your OS as well.
So, I suggest to follow the indications:

  • uninstall CIS before updating the OS (using Comodo removal tool and cleaning all the traces from computer and registry)
  • update the OS
  • make a fresh installation of CIS
    This doesn’t mean you won’t have any issue, but at least this can work for most of users.

the freshly installed, as i had and posted few days ago. Problems like these are bad for business.

Hi yro,
All issues can be bad for business, but in business issues are also unfortunately expected to and do occur at times.
There are so many system variables that some issues are bound to happen with new operating systems.
Bug reporting is the best method to get issues looked at.
Bug Reports - CIS
Required Format For Reporting Bugs
