COMODO Internet Security is released!

Think of it as a sandbox but not software but hardware. Five minutes and a Google search would have answered your question to start with.

It’s a new Comodo official feature, that’s why I’m asking here.

Agreed. I apologize.

I’ve noticed issues with enchanced protection mode enabled in the HIPS, so I leave it turned off.


Downloaded a zip file through uTorrent, unzipped the file with 7zip, and the unknown file was NOT sandboxed by CIS 8, I am not happy with this, Comodo please fix!

I’m expecting a fix in the next update. Look at the translation files. As a temp fix you can create a autosandbox rule for 7zip


Ok I edited my rules hopefully it works…

This happens for me also. (Microsoft’s Hardware-Assisted Virtualization Detection Tool returns “virtualization is not enabled” even though it is enabled in the BIOS and the CPU supports it. Also, Intel’s CPU Identification Utility returns some funky results for Cache values which it reports as 0, etc.)

I know that Win8’s Hyper-V can also be incompatible with other level 1 hypervisors, so I had suspected that Comodo v8 VT-x capabilities were what was messing with the HAV Detection Tool results. Turning off the “Enhanced Protection Mode” & rebooting allowed returning the expected results from the HAV Detection Tool & the CPU ID Utility reported cache values. I’m not sure if those are actually issues or just something to be expected from the hypervisor enabled configuration.

Anyway, good to know the interaction from the “Enhanced Protection Mode”.

could explain me better if I download an unknown file and not run it immediately, for example, only run it after a day or two the file would be isolated in the sandbox?

Another question, if the file is a compressed file, when unpack and run, the file would be isolated in the sandbox?

Another point, unknown files that do not meet the sandbox rules would be executed without any restrictions by the CIS?

*Remembering that my doubt is with the program in the default settings.

Not a single response from the staff on what the fancy description means. Why do you post it then as a feature, if not willing to explain it?

Patience more details will come from staff.

No need in disabling the Auto-Sandbox so far. When my sandboxed Canary showed it is ready to be updated, I just restarted it in the sandbox. And it is got updated. It has worked in this way as it must be its installer is working not sandboxed.

What you mean patience? I asked a simple question on November 19. Today is November 23 and still no answer. I refuse using unknown features.

Thanks, but I was asking for your explanation on this new feature, not what hypervisor is. I was asking you to explain how this comodo feature works in real life. I see nobody cares to explain. Good bye and and good luck. Just remembered why I left last time. :-TD

Is the hardware virtualization support in CIS in any way dependent on Microsoft Hyper-V or does it ONLY need the CPU to support it and the feature to be enabled in BIOS?

so when will this V8 be part of the normal updating process?

well in 2 weeks