Comodo Internet Security 2020 v12.2.2.7036 Released.

CIS does not use or rely on svchost.exe process. The Servicehost: Network Setup Service process gets run every day and you noticed the problem after a couple of days which makes it less likely CIS is related.

The problem could be with Windows Update and I suggest to do a full reset using the .bat file following this tutorial: .

There is one caveat with the .bat file. It does not stop Windows Update Service. You will have to stop Windows Update Service before you start the batch file. Windows Update Service will restart once after a minute after it has been stopped; so you will have to stop it again. After that you can start the batch file.

To stop Windows Update Service do the following:

Find the PID of WUAUSERV services under Services in Task Manager'

Then execute from an elevated command prompt (Fill in the Process ID Number where it says PID):
taskkill /f /pid

No I noticed it the next day. And I hiiiighly doubt it has to do with Windows Update. I’ve had my laptop on yesterday a whole day and today the entire day as well. Didn’t experience any weird behavior with that particular svchost.exe with 6882 installed before. That issue only arised during the days I had 7036 installed and even when I reinstalled it 2x.

Aside from that I have zero problems with my Windows Updater. Plus I am fully updated as you can see from my build number that I posted.

Windows will check for updates every day. To know if there is an issue with Windows Update is to perform the reset. If the problem persists after the reset then we have to look further.

KB4571744 - Win 10 x 64 Pro-20Н2 up to b[/b]
No problems

:cry: windows7 no more updates? , why

Updated win 10 x 64 Home to ver. 19041.488 with out problems.

Thanks - same here Win 10 x 64 Pro - 2004 (19041.488) - no problems

Yes, PUP is not a malware, but why put it inside the installer? :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
I prefer pay for a honest solution than having “stuff” installed on my pc without my permission

Comodo Internet Security Premium Tested 8.23.20
(In this video is shows where is PUP Fusion.dll)

This has been the case with the online installer since July last year. In fact, since CIS came out years ago, the options for installing Comodo Dragon, Internet Security Essentials and Secure shopping were ticked by default. It’s not hard to just click “Decline” or “No” and it only happens on installation, you aren’t harassed to upgrade or anything after installation and your product is no less complete, you can even hide the upgrade button

It’s been some time since the last major release so we’ll just have to wait and see what the upcoming version contains but if you have issue with it, use the offline installer which doesn’t include the additional promotion software.


Hi Guys! Although the Devs can feel free to correct me, but the file (fusion.dll) that is dropped on installing CIS/CF Online products is really a relic of a few years ago when PrivDog was an optimal install. Although fusion.dll is still downloaded from the AdTrustMedia website and plopped in the Temp folder, there is nothing for it to do anymore, so one may note that it is deleted anyway.

Also, although one really can’t see this on install, there is also a unrequited request to connect to IronSource which was another ad monetization thingy (which can still be found primarily in games).

Neither of above two do anything anymore and neither applies to the Offline Installer.


so, leftovers?

what about remove these things from comodo installers, devs?

This is just an unimportant minor thing, let the devs focus on fixing important major bugs instead please.

Thank you for pointing out. If I understand correctly these files only get dropped by the online installer and are not executed or installed? They’re just files sitting on the hard drive?

Hi Eric! To be more specific (and the Developers can feel free to correct), this post pertains to only the Online Installer and with regard to the dll:

When the installation program is started and the downloading of the main app is started, a request to AdTrustMedia is made (the old Privdog site in Clifton) from where fusion.dll is acquired and placed in the temp directory (where a fusion.dll.tmp is also created). The fusion.dll does not do anything further and will be deleted at the end of the installation process. The fusion.dll.tmp file does remain in temp.

Note that the fusion.dll.tmp file located in the Temp directory can be detected as being malicious (adware) by some scanners, so it would be best if this is nopped out in any new version.


Thank you for explaining in more detail. What I am curious about if a third party program (PUP) gets installed by the online installer.

Absolutely no 3rd party software is either downloaded or installed.

When Explorer crashes, CIS tray icon disappears. Only system restart fixes the issue. Win 10.

I think this is a known issue.

CIS should still be working however when this happens.

The tray icon has never been totally reliable. Probably why the widget has been an option for awhile now.

wsl 2 working now?