xpssvcs.dll stops Comodo AV scan

I have an Dell Intel computer, which has folders


on it, with this file “xpssvcs.dll” in it. It appears to be for printer drivers. Comodo AV gets hung on this file “xpssvcs.dll” and will not finish scanning. If I tell it to stop scanning, it continues to scan. To stop the scanning, I have to shut down and reboot by turning the power off the computer to stop the scan. Any ideas how to finish the scan? Comodo says 1 threat is found, but since it won’t finish the scan and I can’t stop the scan, I can’t tell what the threat is.

Is the difference in hardware between Intel and Dell machine code stopping the scanning? I’m not sure what is going on.

Thanks for any help.

Usually that means that the Comodo Internet Security Helper service has crashed. Go to Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services. See if the service has stopped. It is has start it again. Does that help?

This also means you found a bug. Please consider filing a bug report in the Bug Reports - CIS board following the format as described in FORMAT & GUIDE - just COPY/PASTE it!.

Also follow How to determine which file is causing a manual scan to hang to determine what file was causing the scanner to be hung. Please add this information to your bug report.