Xmarks chrome plugin

I had noticed that the beta versions supports for Chrome extensions, but I got a “This extension requires Comodo Dragon version or greater.” message ??? when trying to install xmarks :-[

To install xmarks: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ajpgkpeckebdhofmmjfgcjjiiejpodla

Ps.: I’m back to Firefox, I can’t use a browser without xmarks :wink: - by the way, it should be interesting a own Dragon Xmarks plugin, once that Xmarks syncs passwords as well (but not in Chrome).


Hello again,

I’m using xmarks now but It could be a built-in function: share the bookmarks and saved-passwords among other computers (with Dragon as well), it will be a great function, such as I have a home computer, office and notebook :slight_smile:
