XenForo Support

We’ve spent the evening being inundated with false positives (over 10 at this time) being triggered by the XenForo software.

Please test this software fully and ensure your rules are compatible with this software. There are far too many false positives being triggered by it for these to be genuine false positives, so I think this points more to the software not being tested against these rules at all. :-TD

EDIT: Just for clarification, these errors are coming from admin usage such as editing templates, and other administration tasks. The front-facing side of things appears to be fine. We’ve sent you a large number of false positive reports tonight so hopefully you have enough information to move forward with this.

I am not sure about this software but I think XSS rules may be making issue. I have found multiple platform triggering XSS rules unnecessarily. Comodo must fix it as its been long time and still XSS issue exist.

Perhaps. There are a LOT more than XSS rules triggering here though. After around 10 false positives we’ve simply had to disable all rules on this specific account. There are too many to keep up with and it’s obvious the software hasn’t been tested for rule compatibility.

Thanks for your feedback, we will check all rules causing these FPs.

my xenforo stops working if i turn it on :stuck_out_tongue:
so please look into this :smiley: