Without System Restore, I'd be offline right now. now back

So what caused Comodo Internet Security 3.13.126709 to foul up installation and cause me to be unable to get online when I followed instructions to restart computer to complete installation?

I must say this does not inspire confidence. Without a restore point which I am compulsive about creating, I’d be offline now.

At least with I have a firewall, even though there are no longer updates.

If I again decided to make the leap to a new version, what advice could someone offer before moving to another free firewall? I do not wish to install the antivirus application.

Thank you to those who take the time to read and reply to this post.

For now I can only guess to the why of what happened.

Did you uninstall v2.4 and do the mandatory reboot?

Here are two links for clean up tool for v2 and for clean up tool for v3 and make sure to run them before trying to install 3.13 again.

When the problem persists let us know what other security programs you have running in the background and which ones you have on demand.

I uninstalled v.2.4 as prompted and rebooted as directed. That is when I saw a potential problem.

I got several screen messages informing me that my Avast antivirus would no longer screen my Email for spam.

When the laptop rebooted there was no indication that Comodo was installing and nothing showed it was installed(Control panel, CCleaner, Revo Uninstaller).

I could not get online until applying System Restore when fortunately version 2.4 icon reappeared.

Thanks for trying to help.

Did you try the clean up tool for 2.4 after the reboot? If not try this first, reboot and try again.

Are there other security programs running in the background other than Avast? Try disabling them. Does that help?

Also consider the following. We are gonna take a look to see if there are some old drivers of your previously uninstalled security programs are still around. Go to Device Manager → View → show hidden devices → now look under Non Plug and Play drivers → when you see a driver that belongs to your previous security programs click right → uninstall —> reboot your computer.

When the problem persists make sure there are no auto starts from your previous security programs. Download Autoruns and run it.

This program finds about all auto starts in Windows. This tool can therefore seriously damage Windows when not handled properly. After starting go to Options and choose to hide Windows and Microsoft entries, to include empty locations and then push F5 to refresh.

Now check all entries to see if there are references to your previous security program. When you find them untick them. After unticking reboot your computer and see what happens.

Any tool that “can seriously damage Windows when not handled properly” has a good possibility of being mishandled by someone with my level of knowledge.

I have not yet used the 2.4 clean up tool yet as I am trying to settle down from my 3.13 experience which at least permitted resumption of 2.4.

I did check Device Manager (which I had not even known about until your reply) and saw “Comodo Application Engine” and “Comodo Network Engine” under Non-Plug and Play Drivers.

Am I correct in stating that you feel that if I had successfully used the clean up tool for v2 after my failed 3.13 download attempt and Internet connectivity problem, Internet contact would have been possible and 3.13 would have been dowloaded and installed unless I had found the two Comodo items named above still present? If this is the case then am I correct in concluding that Revo Uninstaller is of limited use?

I also run Spyware Terminator and SUPERAntiSpyware but I don’t believe the latter runs in the background.
Also BOClean.

Thanks again for your feedback. Even though I may not make an immediate leap to retry 3.13 download, I am reading and learning after each of your replies.

That’s why added

After starting go to Options and choose to hide Windows and Microsoft entries, to include empty locations and then push F5 to refresh.
That takes out the risk of messing with system settings. May be I should state that in my tutorial. l

I have not yet used the 2.4 clean up tool yet as I am trying to settle down from my 3.13 experience which at least permitted resumption of 2.4.

I did check Device Manager (which I had not even known about until your reply) and saw “Comodo Application Engine” and “Comodo Network Engine” under Non-Plug and Play Drivers.

Am I correct in stating that you feel that if I had successfully used the clean up tool for v2 after my failed 3.13 download attempt and Internet connectivity problem, Internet contact would have been possible and 3.13 would have been dowloaded and installed unless I had found the two Comodo items named above still present? If this is the case then am I correct in concluding that Revo Uninstaller is of limited use?

I also run Spyware Terminator and SUPERAntiSpyware but I don’t believe the latter runs in the background.
Also BOClean.

Thanks again for your feedback. Even though I may not make an immediate leap to retry 3.13 download, I am reading and learning after each of your replies.

I assumed you had installed 3.13. In order to be on the safe side I provided you with the uninstall tools and the tutorial to be able to start with a clean slate.

You had omitted to mention Spyware Terminator. That has a HIPS component that may be enabled and could interfere. Make sure it is not running in the background when trying to install again.

When you found new courage to try to install again keep us posted on how it goes.

By the way. With current release of 3.13 you don’t need BOClean anymore. It is now integrated and BOClean does not get updates anymore since last spring.

After a few days away from this, I resumed work on the problem and I’m still trying to uninstall 2.4. After using Add/Remove Programs thru Control Panel and rebooting per screen instructions, I am unable to connect to the Internet.

Device Manager shows no Comodo-related items.

When I try and open "clicapidll "from the comodo_Uninstall.zip 2.4.zip, I get "RegSvr32 " that says “LoadLibrary (with numerous boxes following)Failed-The specified module could not be found.”

When I click on “fwconfig.exe” I get a small screen that says “Compressed(zipped) Folders Warning” with a choice of “Extract all,” “Run,” or “Cancel.”

I successfully uninstalled Avast and hve no antivirus application at present.

Could you please direct me on how to proceed. Thank you for your time and patience.

Did you follow the tutorial on how to use the tool?

Quote from prior reply: If you have problems uninstalling or reinstalling CFP, download “comodo Uninstall.zip” and extract both “clicapi.dll” and “fwconfig.exe” in the C: directory.
Then at the command line of windows use the following command:
c:\fwconfig.exe -uninstalln

After finished reboot your pc and eliminate
C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall

ps. it’s the standalone uninstaller of CFP

When I type “c:\fwconfig.exe -uninstalln” I pressed “Enter” key and got response that it “is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.”

If I have extracted the two above elements from “comodo Uninstall .zip” should this have permitted the command to take effect?

Also, how does one eliminate C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall on rebooting, assuming the command works?

Thanks again for reading and responding.