Windows XP reports antivirus out of date

Windows XP has suddenly reported that my Comodo antivirus is out of date even though it is not. This happened once before and the only remedy was to completely uninstall and reinstall Comodo Internet Security

Hi john_01792,
Is this still occurring?
Database updates were delayed for a period of time, but have since resumed.
[Vista, CIS 7] “COMODO Antivirus reports that it might be out of date” [Merged]

Database version 18298.


If it is still happening does running the diagnostics find any problems?

John, is your problem solved or does it persist?

Are you still experiencing this issue?

Okay. As there has been no response I will assume that this issue is fixed and move this bug report to Resolved.

If you are still experiencing this issue please let me know and I can move it back to the main bug reporting board for processing.

Thank you.