Windows updates removed comodo dragon from my computer, help!

Hi approximately a year ago after some windows updates I noticed my dragon icon in task bar was now a “white page” and when clicking it dragon no longer loads as “the item has been changed or moved”. I just started using chrome instead but now I kind of miss dragon and would like to get it back.Do I just go to programs and uninstall and then try a new install of latest version? Or is there a special removal tool i need to use? Will my bookmarks etc still be there? Can’t remember if I ever made an “account” with the broswer to remember them!! Also links in my outlook don’t work and i think i worked out today after just constantly copying links into a browser from there that dragon is my default browser is this why links don’t work? When I search comodo dragon on my computer I get the same “item moved or changed” so it’s like windows updates completely wiped it from my computer, but when I use file explorer I can see there are still lots of files in comodo dragon folder but no exe file!! Just to mention, CIS still works and I’ve had no problems with it, just dragon is the issue.Thanks for your help, I searched for an hour for simiar issues across the forum but couldn’t find the help I needed thanks!!

Hi Carps,

Thank you for reporting.
Kindly download the latest comodo dragon from the below link and check.

If the issue still persist kindly report in this board.


Thanks C.O.M.O.D.O RT I will do, do I ned to remove the current corrupted dragon sintall or will the new download just wipe over it? Cheers