I was just wondering which mailclient works best / not at all with the newest version of CAVS beta? Thunderbird, Pegasus, Outlook,…?
Your opinions would be most welcome.
Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences.
As long as you are using POP for email I find no problems with either Thunderbird or Outlook Express.
Outlook is not too bad but I did have a few problems with it.
Hey N.T.T.W.,
thanks for the quick reply.
I’ll go for TB, I think.
Is there anything one should know (like mails can be lost if you do this and that…)?
See the attached screenshot for the most important one. It is under tools/options.
Also, dont forget to skip advanced security checks for CavEmSrv.exe in CFP settings (assuming you are using this version and not the new Beta)
[attachment deleted by admin]
Thanks a lot.
Btw, I’m using CFP v3 beta (not CFP v2.4 final). I’ll, however, give Thunderbird a try and see if I can set CFP to allow it to work (this fw is so configurable = daunting ;D)
Thanks again for your very quick replies and very helpful suggestions / advice.
Best of luck getting it to work grampa, if you get any problems post in the firewall beta section and im sure someone will help you out.
grampa, just set the Defense + Security Level to Learn All (after installing TB) and before you run it the first time. That way that aspect of the FW will automatically set up the rules for TB & for all aspects of CAVS that relate to it.
Then you can go back in to the rules and look at the specifics…
Cheers m8!
I’ve set Defense+ to LearnSafeOnly (Default). Haven’t had the time to learn all about the new version. Unfortunately, I’ve run TB already, sent a testmail, and noticed, that CAVS din’t check for viruses. Would it work if I set Defense+ to LearnAll now or is it too late already?
You’ve got to have email scanning enabled in CAVS, too. Open Settings/Email Scan.
You’ll see more options then, on the General tab/section of the email scan engine. Make sure you turn the scan options on - you must have those! The rest are not as important, but you can figure out what you want.
There are more options under the Advanced tab/section of the email scanner. I think the Certify option at this point only does a text attachment, rather than an inline signature. I don’t know, as it’s been a while since I’ve used it. (not compatible w/Outlook & Exchange for work, and I haven’t been in Windows at home ever since I installed Linux).
As long as the scanner is set up to work, setting D+ to Learn All (and possibly the Firewall Security Level as well) should do the trick for it.
Thanks for your competent help. I’ll try that.
(L)software,forums,users and mods.
Just a thought grampa; does your email use standard ports 110 and 25 in settings - if it does not then CAVS will not scan your emails.
I have had this problem with googlemail, though I got around it for outgoing mails in TB by using the SMTP settings for one of my other email accounts.
good thought. I use googlemail so I’ll make sure to have a closer look at the settings asap.
Sorry Grampa, googlemail uses ports 995 and 587 so you will not be able to get CAVS to scan your emails. It is a pain I know.
I am hoping that the next CAVS version may be a bit more flexible when it comes to email scanning.
We’ll just have to wait and hope for the best in the future.
Thank you all for your help. That sure helped a lot. (:CLP)
Fingers crossed for CAVS 3!