I’m not Commodus, but I don’t care (:TNG). It’s Russian, so here’s an English translated version of the site
AIMP is russian audio player, that can play all the popular music formats (can’t play midi without a bloated extension, but that’s okay, midi’s are just for keygens and old games ;D) It can also play and record radio streams.
It’s very comfortable to use, light on resourses, small, good looking (there are some slick skins available) and good sound quality audio player. AIMP is also more actively developed than JetAudio or even Winamp.
For me it’s the best. It has all the basic features and much much more, like the audio converter, tag renamer, a timer you can set for various tasks - start playing, shutdown the PC and more
Try it and I’m almost sure you’ll like it
BTW, It’s developer Artem Izmailov is a Russian and the default language of the player is Russian, but there are translations to most of major languages you can choose while installing.
Hi Commodus, but what about the sound quality, JetAudios’ is really hard to beat honestly…
The fact that AIMP has the optional feature of using Winamp DSP plugins further opens the possibilities :o. The betas use less resources than the stable version I’m using…
The one thing that it’s missing is that it doesn’t seem to be compatible with Winamp’s output mp3 decoder, which can take advantage of the latest DirectSound.
AIMP can use 32 bit audio, JetAudio is capable of that only in the paid version. The sound quality is really, really good. It has no problems with 5.1 and 7.1 speaker setup
JetAudio is no doubt a great audio player, but IMHO AIMP beats it in all areas
To each his own…
Rock on everybody, and post your screenshots of your Desktop & portable players if obscure, we like innovation in this forum!
Regards to all
Cheers, weekend :■■■■ (:CLP)
Xman buddy , could you please make a small test ? Start playing a song with JetAudio and take a look how much RAM does JetAudio uses according to TaskManager. Please post the results here
AIMP 2.50 (build .276 rc3) takes 12,5 MB of RAM while playing 192 bit song
Mine uses under 5,000K RAM playing 915kbps flac file ;D (v 2.11)
I love my Creative Zen Plus 4 gig and I sync it up with Winamp. My Zen is as small as a book of matches.
Hi Commodus, see attached, while playing U2 (Where The Streets Have No Name)
8,936 K Memory Usage under JetAudio7, not so bad after all IMHO, but this thread is more about different Desktop & Portable players with snaps if the players are rather obscure…
Xman :■■■■
[attachment deleted by admin]
Hi Andrew (:WAV) Anyway, JetAudio takes about 50-60 mb if I remember correctly. AIMP only takes 4 MB (:KWL)
:■■■■ cheers
Hi Commodus, it jumped up to 16,128 K on Led Zeppelins’ “When the Levee Breaks”, but that’s cool anyhow
Xman (:KWL)
RAM is not as important as CPU. AIMP uses a lot more than the other players I’ve used
foobar2k IMO uses the least amt of RAM among all players i have used, probably xmplay comes close… foobar2k in all its nudity (:WIN) consumes less RAM, give it some clothes n it takes bout 15k but like that matters, sounds good,
got used to it so much i find traipsing through the different options in the more ‘out of the box’ media players rather difficult ???
giving xmplay a try, rc3 doesnt have the english lang pack does it?, looks cool though…
AIMP uses XMPlay’s bass engine, so that’s why I couldn’t distinguish between the audio quality in bare bones (with the built-in reverb enabled, XMPlay surpasses AIMP). The reason for my switch to AIMP is because a new version hasn’t been released for over a year and the GUI is annoying in many ways (even after my tweaking).
VideoLan Codec Player VLC
Windows Media Player (:HUG)
so we use jetaudio to play music? (:TNG) i have it but i use it for watching divx movie/anime (:TNG)
tried out AIMP, its pretty good in terms of audio quality… just hope they add an option to view album art in the future versions…
I can view album pictures in AIMP already - check out the file info (ID tag) option