What changes to Cis Beta 5 are happening on Friday?.

??? Hi Guys. I saw a comment on a forum that indicated some further improvements/ fixes were to happen this friday. As the Final version is due on the 14th September i believe, i wonder whats going to change so near to the final release that could not wait?.Any info on this one will be greatly appreciated.A hunch says a fix to the Av/Cloud as i have read that some testers have not got the results hoped for using MDL ect.


Hopefully this. https://forums.comodo.com/wishlist-cis/add-ability-for-threatcast-to-inform-user-a-file-is-probably-safe-t58994.0.html;msg413533#msg413533

Thanks Kazza5, I would also like to see that happen on friday.


Can you point me to the quote? We, the mods, have not heard about it from Melih or egemen.

Hi EricJH. The quote was on Wilders by Lordraiden,“How Cis 5 works for you (CAV)”. Wishful thinking maybe?.

Quote from Wilders:
Anyway if you want to check that CAMAS is working
Upload the file here: http://camas.comodo.com/
if the veredict is suspicious should be detected by CIS cloud.
But seems that this will not be working until friday maybe.


Coming to think of things:

May be he is referring to the server side fixes umesh is talking about. Going by his words that would be done by Friday.

Friday,Just Like my chances of winning the lottery, maybe, just maybe, heres hoping!
