wamp server

after upgrading to version 4, my wamp server wont start, comodo didnt show me any popup messages for wamp, even i added wamp to my safe files but it didnt help
what should i do ?

The default Global Rules changed from being alerted for incoming traffic on a per case basis to a general block of all incoming traffic (default Stealth).

There are two ways to go here.

  • Use the Stealth Ports Wizard to go back to the old situation. Go to Firewall → Common Tasks → Stealth Ports Wizard → select “Alert me to incoming connections - stealth my ports on a per-case basis” → Finish
  • Open the needed ports in Global Rules following:
    To open the port TCP 1723 for example

First step is to determine the MAC or Physical address of you network connector. Go to Start → Run → cmd → enter → a black box will show up and enter the following → ipconfig /all (notice the space before /all) → enter → now look up the Physical address and write it down.

Notice that Physical address = MAC address

Firewall → Advanced → Network Security policy → Global Rules → Add → fill in the following:
Action: Allow
Protocol: TCP
Direction: In
Description: Incoming Port

Source address: Any
Destination Address: Choose MAC address and fill in the found MAC/Physical address
Source Port: Any
Destination Port: 1723

Then push Apply → Now make sure that the new rule is somewhere above the basic block rule(s) as the bottom (the block rules have red icons); you can drag and drop the rules → Ok.