Viruscope can cause file handle sharing violations for some progs [M861]

jljtgr, please note that if you are not comfortable running Beta software it is fine for you to wait until the final release in order to test whether this is fixed on your system. The Beta seems pretty safe (although do remember that it’s still Beta software, and all Beta software may have bugs), but if you would prefer to wait for the final release that’s fine as well.


Well, it doesn’t appear to have the same fault that I described in my OP. I can leave Viruscope enabled and unrestrict it from Sandboxed applications and it doesn’t fail. According to procmon, Explorer and TortoiseSVN on my system will poke at the file but cmdagent no longer touches it at all.

So, I guess you could say that it is fixed, since it has no possibility of causing a sharing violation on arbitrary files. I might alter my test to see if I can convince cmdagent to look at the file, but at the moment it looks fixed as stated.

Thanks for checking, jljtgr. I appreciate your testing. :slight_smile:

I’m very happy to hear that. In that case I will move this bug report to Resolved. If you do find that it isn’t entirely fixed please respond to this bug report. I can then re-open this in the tracker.

Thanks again.