Virus or not CISx32 vs. CISx64

Okay, I have this keygen which by the results on virus total is a virus.

My problem is this. CIS 5.9 on my Windows XP x32 detects it as a virus, but CIS 5.9 on my Windows 7 x64 doesn’t. Can anybody confirm this problem?

File is attached bellow in an archive. Password is: “infected”

Mod Edit: I removed the malicious file. Please do not post possibly dangerous files in the forum. If you would like the file you can send a PM to an active Moderator. We have access to the file as well.

cis 5.9 in realtime protection in Windows 7 x64 detected the virus in realtime protection as soon as it is extracted see screenshots

[attachment deleted by admin]

Did you test real-time detection or on-demand detection?


Strange, I suppose it could be a problem with your installation, or a conflict with another program. Do you have any other security programs installed on the x64 computer?

I have reinstalled CIS, and now it detects the file as a virus. :-TU

Great that you had got it working properly. :slight_smile: That is why I say that a great majority of the problems that individuals suffer from, is because of user. i.e. Installation, ignorance, Etc.

We are ALL ignorant in one way or another so that is not placed as an insult to anyone. :slight_smile: And thanks goes to this “forum” so we can all place our problems and help solve them together. :slight_smile:

I think the problem resulted from updating through CIS and not doing a clean installation. When I’ve gone to CCleaner to uninstall it was written Comodo Internet Security 5.8 beta. I really didn’t do a clean install for a long time.