Virus Database Failed - 5%

I have 50+ identical workstations w/ just the Antivirus installed. None update w/ any regularity. Precious few of them update at all. I have:

Windows XP SP3 (joined to domain)
Local Admin Rights (have also tried as Domain Admin)
No Proxy (have also tried w/ proxy)

Some are version 3.11. Others are version 3.12. Uninstalling/Reinstalling doesn’t fix. Upgrading to 3.12 doesn’t fix. Uninstalling 3.11 and installing 3.12 doesn’t fix. Adding * to IE Trusted Sites doesn’t fix. Praying to Allah doesn’t fix.

I’m obviously not alone in this problem, but is there any known cause or solution to this?

What other security and network related programs do you have running in the background? Try disabling them and see if that does the trick or not.

Just the Windows Firewall. On or off, the software won’t update.

There’s a Cisco Pix at the gateway, but it doesn’t block any outbound traffic.

I’ve never been able to get CIS to update “out of the box” - this worked for me…

Try updating the Comodo Internet Security Helper Service. The logon Tab for the Service should currently show Local System Account and Allow service to interact with Desktop. Set This Account with your Logon ID and Password (+Confirm) and then reboot.

This worked. I was able to update. Unfortunately, this solution is impractical in my environment, as we change our passwords every 90 days.

XP SP3 changed the RPC logon from Local to Network. I wonder if the difference in logon accounts causes the problem.

Does anyone know if CIS Pro suffers from the same ailment?

It is exactly the same program. The extra with the Pro version are Live PC and a subscription to Trustconnect.

Have you tried using the offline updater? It could help in using a single PC / server as your internal repository and eliminate any credential issues with accessing the net for updates on all but 1 machine…

The link:

Hope it helps


Does changing the log on help as described by the following?

Try updating the Comodo Internet Security Helper Service (control panel, admin tools, services, right click on “Comodo Internet Security Helper Service”, properties). The logon Tab for the Service should currently show Local System Account and Allow service to interact with Desktop. Set This Account with your Logon ID and Password (+Confirm) and then reboot.

As I mentioned above, this does work. However, we change passwords every 90 days. Will this need to be updated w/ the new password every time?

Yes. Otherwise you would use the wrong password and the service will not get started.

That’s what I figured, which makes it no good to me. I can’t believe an issue this common hasn’t been addressed at the application level.

I’m still playing around w/ the offline updater, but I can’t get it to download the updates. Maybe it too needs a service change?

I am not experienced with the off line updater and Endpoint Security Mananger program. May be the Comodo Endpoint Security Manager board or the COMODO Offline Updater Released topic can be of help.