Virtual kiosk not living upto expectations

I just installed comodo 2013 and am very sad to say i am hating the virtual kiosk.I have been an ardent fan of sandboxie and love the way it can directly recover files that are downloaded directly to the computer from its sandbox.Virtual kiosk has a shared space feature that seems to want to do the same thing but it is just so annoying having to go through moving it from saved location in sandbox to shared space and then from there onto my non sandbox computer.Its just a popup and a click away when use sandboxie. The fact of the matter is this is still a work in progress but it just seems it should have spent a little more time in beta to iron out these problems.Also it would be nice if like sandboxie there was an option to reset sandbox on exit.Other than that would suggest comodo to include a option to virtualise explorer in a similar way to sandboxie. Also give the right click on the comodo icon a litle more option so we dont have to keep jumping through the GUI settings to get simple tasks done.Lastly for some reason sandboxie is not working with this new version and well that is kind of why i wrote this post in the first place. So hoping comodo improves the sandbox by providing more options in line with veteran programs like sandboxie so that i have a reason to stop using sandboxie. No doubts about the secure nature of comodos sandbox atleast. For now comodo 6 goes off my computer as i prefer sandboxie and will wait till compatibility with comodo returns so i can use both peacefully :slight_smile: So cant wait for the next comodo update hopefully giving us users more options and not treating us like kids :slight_smile: i like my options :slight_smile:

the way it can directly recover files that are downloaded directly to the computer from its sandbox.Virtual kiosk has a shared space feature that seems to want to do the same thing but it is just so annoying having to go through moving it from saved location in sandbox to shared space and then from there onto my non sandbox computer.

sandbox exceptions ie, downloads, extensions, add ons etc can be added…
advanced settings → security settings → defense+ → sandbox → do not virtualize access to specified folders/files → add → web browsers data folders
In this way CIS’s sandbox can be configured to allow any folders/files to become persistent.

Edit: an option to securely delete sandbox and delete on exit would be good :-TU

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Thanks treefrogs but i am a little confused what i want is that all my files i.e web folder files not get saved as is the case in the method you are suggesting.Instead i am asking for an option for a popup to show up like in sandboxie that alerts me that the download is tryng to be written to disk so i can only move or choose what i want to my be written to disk.In the case of using the exception as you suggest i am afraid it is also possible for unwanted downloads to infiltrate the system.Correct me if i am wrong as this is only what i managed to understand from the steps you explained :slight_smile:

A screenshot to try and explain what i meant :slight_smile: and also just wanted to add why does comodo need dragon and silverlight for the full capacity of virtual kiosk

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Thanks treefrogs but i am a little confused what i want is that all my files i.e web folder files not get saved as is the case in the method you are suggesting.Instead i am asking for an option for a popup to show up like in sandboxie that alerts me that the download is tryng to be written to disk so i can only move or choose what i want to my be written to disk.In the case of using the exception as you suggest i am afraid it is also possible for unwanted downloads to infiltrate the system.Correct me if i am wrong as this is only what i managed to understand from the steps you explained

sorry my mistake 88) I misunderstood,
I think in this case the best option is to run the browser in comodo’s sandbox, either by right clicking and selecting comodo sandbox or by running browser in the kiosk - both still fully virtual, at the end of the session you can look for the files in your downloads/or where you saved them and choose which you want to keep - these files can also be scanned by a 3rd party software ie hitman pro/MBAM if you wish - then the files you want to keep can be moved to shared space and recovered.
Having reread your initial post I see you want an easier way of doing this, AFAIK this is the easiest way in this version.
Maybe you could make a post in the wishlist forum.
I’m a ex user of SBE and found the transition to CIS’s virtual browsing slow at first but now it’s second nature and I’ve never looked back :smiley:
Sorry I haven’t been able to help more.

I used sandboxie with version 6 without problems.
But i returned too.

Virtual kiosk could run a game after installing into it. That was a +

Thanks again treefrogs but just wanted to ask a few things

  1. When i use a right click to run a program in sandbox how do i set the restriction level and what is the default level that the program runs in sandbox.
    2.How do i use explorer in the sandbox when i save the downloaded file from the sandboxed browser and this is with reference to the above right click sandbox not virtual kiosk.I need this info to find the place my files are saved to send it to shared space.
    3.Can anyone who used sandboxie please explain how i can get similar settings from comodo sandbox so i can finally let go of sandboxie.
    4.How do i scan the content in sandbox with avast or mbam, i am unable to locate the path to run the custom scan from.
    5.When i use comodo sandbox with my settings in defense + set to hips active at safe mode and bb set to blocked is comodo sandbox as secure as sandboxie or more so.

I am currently running win7 64bit with avast free and sandboxie as well as comodo 6 in proactive security wihout the av installed.
Thanks for the answers beforehand. :slight_smile:

[quote="noone1891 post:7, topic:285083"] Thanks again treefrogs but just wanted to ask a few things 1. When i use a right click to run a program in sandbox how do i set the restriction level and what is the default level that the program runs in sandbox. 2.How do i use explorer in the sandbox when i save the downloaded file from the sandboxed browser and this is with reference to the above right click sandbox not virtual kiosk.I need this info to find the place my files are saved to send it to shared space. 3.Can anyone who used sandboxie please explain how i can get similar settings from comodo sandbox so i can finally let go of sandboxie. 4.How do i scan the content in sandbox with avast or mbam, i am unable to locate the path to run the custom scan from. 5.When i use comodo sandbox with my settings in defense + set to hips active at safe mode and bb set to blocked is comodo sandbox as secure as sandboxie or more so.

I am currently running win7 64bit with avast free and sandboxie as well as comodo 6 in proactive security wihout the av installed.
Thanks for the answers beforehand. :slight_smile:


  1. When i use a right click to run a program in sandbox how do i set the restriction level and what is the default level that the program runs in sandbox.

Manual sandbox is full virtual as default, you can manually start and change the restriction level by going to → advanced settings → Defence + → sandbox then add the program/restriction level you wish (see #1)

2.How do i use explorer in the sandbox when i save the downloaded file from the sandboxed browser and this is with reference to the above right click sandbox not virtual kiosk.I need this info to find the place my files are saved to send it to shared space.

I would add web data browser groups in sandbox exceptions (see my first post) this includes the download folder (see #2)

3.Can anyone who used sandboxie please explain how i can get similar settings from comodo sandbox so i can finally let go of sandboxie.

maybe someone with more knowledge on SBE can help here…

4.How do i scan the content in sandbox with avast or mbam, i am unable to locate the path to run the custom scan from.

I would follow answer 2 and just scan the files in downloads, someone else may be able to suggest a better way ?

5.When i use comodo sandbox with my settings in defense + set to hips active at safe mode and bb set to blocked is comodo sandbox as secure as sandboxie or more so.

I would say its at least as secure, check this test out -

Here’s a great guide to setting CIS6 up :-TU (Thanks to Chiron)

If anyone knows better/diffrent methods than i described pls jump in :smiley:

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I am using sandboxie when its usefull.
And other things instead, when they are usefull.

I have tried both in the kiosk and single browser emulator of CIS. The ping in both cases is bigger.
Also I have noticed that flash player issue - on video chat rooms. I am unable to click on Allow or Deny on camera button, when popup from flash is show-up.