Virgin cable & Comodo firewall

Hi all,
Can someone please tell me what the situation is regarding (always on) cable broadband and the comodo firewall. Should i always turn the pc off, or leave it on standby ? Also is there a free anti spam program that will stop spam getting into (just one) of my Gmail accounts. The main one i use is being plagued with spam. Thanks…

My pc is usually on 24/7. I shut it down about once a week. Its up to you on that. Some shut theirs down all the time. As far as Gmail are you talking about the web based? I use Yahoo web based and get no spam. Yahoo has a spam filter and I am sure Gmail does also.

Thanks Vettetech for your reply. I read online an article about cable broadband being susceptible to crooks using scanners. My pc experience is extremely limited, 99% of it is just reading things on the internet. I used to use zonealarm pro but ditched it after so many operational problems (my lack of knowldge). I searched online for reviews of alternative firewalls, opted to try Comodo and have found it extremely simple to use (thanks to the “dummies” instruction manual). I couldnt leave the pc switched on 24/7 like you do, the fan blowing is too annoying. The Gmail account is a web based one. Ive tried until im blue in the face to set up the filter, read all the instructions, but cannot get it to work. The particular account in question is the main one i use for forums etc etc. I do have others (unused) with other providers, but its only so i have secured the name. I will ditch the account now, as i dont know anyone personally who has a pc, so the only help i can get is online. I dont mind asking simple questions like i have in my previous post, but am loathe to ask for anything more extensive in case people think they are communicating with a “cabbage” lol. I`ll change everything over now to one of my yahoo accounts.

LOL fan blowing. Try having 4 fans. I have 2 intake and 2 exhaust and still leave my side cover off. I have a fan controller to turn the fans up or down when I am gaming.

Hi itsdesp,

I think the scanners you mentioned might be the modem cloners. Your IP gets duplicated. Nothing you can do, but don’t worry about it.

You will always accumulate spam with an account you submit on forums and sites. The bots get them, people sell them etc.

I find Gmails’s spam filtering to be superb. It’s not just web based though. You can send and receive like usual pop3 accounts from an Email client. You never see the spam. I have six.
It’s definately preferable to Yahoo, in my book.

You don’t learn if you don’t ask, mate. Anyone who thinks less of you because of your questions aren’t worth bothering with, frankly.