Currently running Comodo Firewall 4.0.141842.828
The “View Active Process List” utility under menu option Defense+ produces inaccurate results. In particular, it doesn’t include some currently active processes and does include processes that have already been terminated.
The attached document shows a process list from Comodo firewall and a process list generated by the Process Explorer utility from Sysinternals (Process Explorer - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn)
The process list from Comodo shows processes which have already been terminated, such as several VirtualBox VM’s, Wordpad, Internet Explorer and Thunderbird.
In contrast, the SysInternals Process Explorer shows processes under “explorer.exe” which are not shown by Comodo’s View Active Process List.
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This looks like a bug to me and will move the topic to the bugs board.
Please add your system info as described in IMPORTANT: HOW TO SUBMIT BUGS (read this if you want them fixed) to help the devs fix it.
I don’t know if this is a bug but defense+ is showing 115 running apps while process explorer shows only 58.
Should I be worried with this or reinstall CIS?
Restart the UI. It’s a bug I’ve had happen quite frequently, in both version 3 and 4. There aren’t 115 apps, comodo just fails at counting. Click the link that is in there where the # of apps is listed and you will get a window popup showing all the apps running that’s similar to task manager/process explorer. You’ll see they’re much less than 115. This bug can also trigger when switching accounts or using remote desktop sessions.
As a note on this, comodo should seriously get to fixing this one. It’s such a basic yet frequent bug, how hard can it be to properly count the number of apps when you’re already keeping track of them?
I know it’s a bit late for this but thanks for the help!