Ventrilo server not working

Hey, I just got Comodo Firewall about a week ago and the Ventrilo server that I normally put up is being blocked some how by it. I allowed it when I started the program as well as opened the ports that Ventrilo uses, but it still doesn’t allow people to join if the firewall is up. I am not sure what to do so if anyone has any suggestions for how to make it work, it would be most appreciated, thank you.

Hi Deafgoat & welcome to the forums.

Check CFPs Log (Activity tab), if CFP is blocking something then it isn’t usually quiet about it. But, first you can test if it is indeed CFP causing problem by setting CFPs Security Level to “Allow All” from the systray icon (remember to put it back to “Custom”). If it works with CFP set at this level then it is likely to be the cause.


You need to add a rule to Network Monitor allowing inbound connections (TCP/UDP) on port 3784.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

I have already opened that port so i know thats not the problem. When I allow all then it does indeed allow my server to go up, and when i checked the log there are like 10 Inbound Policy Violations all of which say access denied. Any idea how to fix it?

And the full details of the blocked access from the logs are … ?

If you can give us the full details, we should be able to tell you what to do, but without these, it’s a bit like brain surgery by correspondence. :wink:

Ewen :slight_smile:

Well they are all because of Network Rule 5 which blocks IP’s In and out. The actual log says.

Description : Inbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, IP, port 3784)
Protocol: TCP Incoming
TCP Flags: SYN
Reason: Network Control Rule ID=5

The logs are like this for the most part, with some changing Source IP’s. For now I just changed the network rule to allow all IPs and it works fine, but since Comodo came with it blocking all IP’s I assume its not great to have them all open like that. Should I just leave it the way I have it now or is there something else I should do?

Hi Deafgoat

The IP address you’ve posted is an internal LAN IP. Have you defined a “Trusted Zone” for your LAN? If you haven’t, you might want to check our FAQs on this.

CFPs final Block & Log rule in the Network Monitor is to block all unsolicited connection attempts. This rule should not be altered, doing so might compromise your security.