I’m using Visual studio 8.
I’m using an external compiler.
This compiler is called by vcbuildhelper.exe.
vcbuildhelper.exe creates a different .bat file for every build with a different number in the name everytime.
I have to click OK several times for every build I make.
Is there a solution for this?
Welcome to the forum Tmalfrere
There are two solutions for this a easy one and a hard quite long manual one, but more secure.
The easy one go to Defense+ \ Computer Security Policy find the entry for vcbuildhelper.exe and change to Installer or Updater.
To change edit the entry change to Use a Predefined Policy choose Installer or Updater click apply click OK example screenshot below of a spool process.
If you wish the other one please post screenshot of .bat path used, Defence+ events.
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