Downloaded the latest version of Comodo Firewall Pro today, and cannot seem to pass Comodo’s own CPIL test. Here are the details:
OS: Windows XP Home SP2
Also running: Avast Antivirus version 4.7 Home Edition
Firewall set to Train With Safe Mode, Alert Frequency set to high, “This computer is an internet connection gateway” is unchecked.
Defense+ set to train with safe mode, “Trust the applications digitallly signed by Trusted Software Vendors” is checked, two settings underneath on General tab are uncheck, all settings on Monitor tab are checked.
Yes, I cleared out the policy for the CPIL Test program from the Computer Security Policy section upon moving to Test With Safe Mode in Defense+.
Comodo does not so much as bring up a warning box when the CPIL test runs. It simply goes through, fails, then tells me to download Comodo Firewall Pro.
Any suggestions to secure the firewall?
By the way, in case the question is asked, I did search the forum before posting, but didn’t see a suitable answer offhand.
Update: For whatever reason, as I haven’t changed anything, Comodo is now popping up Defense+ warning boxes with CPILSuite. Trying to type anything at all into the box prompts a warning that CPILSuite is trying to access the keyboard directly, and Tests 2 & 3 pop up a warning that a global hook is trying to be installed.
Do these particular warnings need to be allowed for the test to run? FYI, just submitting Test 1 without typing still indicates a test failure.
I guess the question is, what will it look like if the tests pass? Do the emergence of the boxes indicate a pass, or do the indicated things in the boxes need to be allowed for the test to run?