Updating software is better than relying on AV...

More than two in three exploits kits that attempt to inject malware into web surfers’ computers were developed in Russia - and at least one in two exploit rather old vulnerabilities.

Blackhole 2.0 is the most often used hacking toolkit - installed on websites to attack and takeover visitors’ computers - but it targets fewer software security holes than rival cybercrime kits. That’s according to a fresh report by managed security biz Solutionary.

Contrary to hype that exploit kits target unpatched flaws in products, Solutionary found the majority (58 per cent) of exploited vulnerabilities were more than two years old.

Read more: Patch often: Cyber-crim toolkits love stinky old gaping holes • The Register

It’s not either or… they’re both important. Good security is layered starting with updated OS and software.

Did you read the report? What I am curious about is if XP is extra vulnerable as if I understand correctly there are many illegal XP versions out there world wide.

True. Yeah that’s what I always say. Sure I did. Look at the report again:

“Patch often: Cyber-crim toolkits love stinky old gaping holes
Updating software is better than relying on AV - shock finding < I didn’t say it LOL!
By John Leyden • Get more from this author
Posted in Security, 28th January 2013 07:04 GMT”

I just grab the headline which will get your attention just like any journalist! LOL! :slight_smile:

Any illegal Microsoft version is vulnerable - no security updates - your PC is doomed sooner or later.