updates , updates and updates [Resolved]

Hi Comodo Community,
I am italian and I discovered this magical product. FOrst of all congratulations for this jewel, I think that keeping it free and keeping it updated is a beautiful thing, so actually in my 7 computers I have 7 comodo firewalls and 4 comodo antivirus.

I write this thread to ask a simple question: I have Comodo Firewall and I am online like 12 hours per day. Well, after like 3 or 4 hours (which means like 3 or 4 times per day) it asks me to update. Ok, maybe 1 time per day would be good, but why so many times ? Today I turned on my PC at 9 AM and now, at 11 AM I have performed already 2 updates of the firewall. I have checked if the firewall version is updated but all seems the same (useless updates or errors ?); I must say that all the updates end correctly, so there aren’t particular problem with them…

Is it normal ?

Hi and welcome,

It sounds like CFP is not updating, but is detecting an update is available. Can you download the latest version ( and manually update?
The latest version is available from www.personalfirewall.comodo.com


Seems to work, no any new update requests…

Thanks and (V)

Glad to hear it. :wink: I’ll mark your post resolved and lock it for others to view.


PS. You may get an update today - as a new version was released (