to the right click!

More wishes about the right click actions are concentrated here:;params=c2VhcmNofCd8cmlnaHQgY2xpY2t8InxhZHZhbmNlZHwnfDB8InxtYXRjaF9tb2RlfCd8c21hcnR8InxicmR8J3wxMzF8InxzaG93X2NvbXBsZXRlfCd8fCJ8c3ViamVjdF9vbmx5fCd8MXwifHNvcnR8J3xyZWxldmFuY2V8Inxzb3J0X2RpcnwnfGRlc2M=

And, if It is only possible on the Earth, it would be lovely to see Create Rule from Firewall Events List also implemented via mouse right click.

Impressive update in the latest CIS version! Paranoids Dream comes true! 8)
Many thanks for your hard work!

Don’t agree.
I don’t see the point of doing this.

The point is
to tune a rules for applications with one click and to prevent the further possible vectors of network attacks? Fine tuning. Polishing.