Threatcast - Option or Permanent Addition to Comodo Firewall

I don’t care how many users vote that I should let pi=3 and that I should allow Comodo to phone home, I am still not going to do it! So there had better be a simple way to turn Threatcast off for those who prefer not to use it! :wink:

It irritated me because you just know that some clowns are doing it on purpose. I’d have no problem possibly helping out in future. :slight_smile:

That’ll be all the Firefox fanboys (:LGH)

Threatcast is great. I don’t see why Comodo hasn’t implemented it in the release yet. Anyway it should be an option just like Defense+ is an option. If people don’t like it they can turn it off, but if they want to know what to do with a file they don’t recognize then they will leave it on. Another good idea is maybe to show what Comodo Experts rate things. For example when you create an account for threatcast certain members can receive a star or something showing their Comodo Security Expert rating or something along those lines. Then when Threatcast shows up to alert a user it can say XXUsers Allowed this file XX Security Experts allowed this file and XXUsers Denied This File XX Security Experts denied this file…

Well just a thought.

It’s a good idea in theory but in practice ‘experts’ are more prone to disagree on security matters than anyone else.If a consensus can’t be found on the safety of a file it’s likely to cause greater confusion to the average user.

Also I can see that grading members based on their perceived security expertise will make one or two members (mentioning no names) even more self important and egotistical than they are already. (:TNG)

lol I guess. What about some sort of degree & certificate proof program? Most IT experts I know are at the very least certified. I would say that since this particular product is MS OS oriented than your best candidates would be MCSE, MCA, or a variation of the MCTS.

Of course, I agree. Things like that should be optional.
That way everybody’s happy. Let people choose :wink:

Force things down PPL’s throats and they get very unhappy :wink:

It’s all about CHOICE…

Best regards,

In theory, practice and theory are the same.
In practice, they’re not.