There are two 9040 versions. Are both of them official or one of them is Beta?

9040 cispro (suit)
9040 cispremium (can be used as firewall only)

I need firewall only version which is latest stable, officially backed by comodo version and which is not on beta stage.

I need official confirmation if the 2nd choice (below) is official.

“It is not official yet” is perfectly acceptable and I can come back later. :slight_smile:
But I wouldn’t like to use a beta software this time.

There are two 9040 versions.

1st one is on the official donwload page. “9040 cispro” and it is not firewall only version.(*1)

2nd one is shared many times only on the forum but not on the official download page. “9040 cispremium” ( not “cispro” as above!) and with this one it is possible to disable antivirus component on installation.

(*1) somehow you can’t disable antivirus on installation. Also you can’t disable it on daily use bacause of high cpu usage and constant hdd read write activities of disabled antivirus/and all other components.

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Hi enthusiast3949abc,

Thank you for reporting.
Below link has the latest CIS version.

FYI: Firewall version has been released yet.
We will keep you posted.


9040 is not a CIS version, it is just part of the way in the link to version 8140.

Will there be changes to CF or is it simply the standalone installer being available at some point?

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Hi EricCryptid,

Let me check with the team and update you.
