The Maney Issues I Was Having W/ CIS 6 Beta

I’m using version 5.12 (latest Official Release) :D.

Not using Version 6.0 Beta until the following issues are resolved

  1. Virtual Kiosk taking too long to load.

  2. Smart Scan stopping on any old file.

  3. Rating Scan not working.

  4. Almost prevented my PC from booting.

  5. Caused my desktop to freeze up.

PS. Please fix these issues please :). Please have this post moved to the right spot please.

Bug report thread has been created just for these things creating a new topic will not help to solve them but anyway, if you want to report them make sure that they have not been reported before.


Installs beta, and uninstalls because of bugs…

it’s called beta for a reason… 88)

I’m making this simple. As requested by Egemen, post bugs in the correct thread in the correct format.

This thread is locked!