Svchost.exe incoming

hi there

just a question. I don’t understand a lot so I am asking this. Firt time I install Comodo today. I haven’t touched anything.
I installed it without Defense+.
I just gave permission or blocked access to whatever soft and everything is great.
Using Windows XP SP2 with avast home.

Question: when I was giving permission to a program in the beginning I received a pop up saying svchost.exe was asking permission…it was an incoming connection so I said NO and it’s blocked.
If I read in the tab it says

c\windows\system32\svchost.exe Protocol
destination port 1027

is that OK? (:KWL)

As I thought I might be blocking something I edited and changed to allow.
Can it be possible that this caused some problems cos when I re booted my pc my connection was lost (?)

I changed again and connection is back. Can it be the cause of connection down???

thanks so much and sorry for maybe a stupid question but I just do not know (:NRD)

I don’t know why it would use port 1027? I have svchost.exe allowe on port 53,67,68 only. Works fine for me.
What IP adress is it trying to communicate with?
Could possible be a virus, try doing a scan with your antivirus.

Port 1027 shouldn’t affect your connection. Only port 53, 67 and 68 should.
These are the only ports that svchost.exe needs, if you don’t use Windows Time, then you’ll need to allow port 123.


thanks for a fast answer!

it says

protocol UDP
Source IP
source port: (many different each time)
destination port 1027

thanks and just (if you can) tell me if leaving it blocked can make me miss something or not. PC works great so far, I have tested all programs/torrents and goes smoothly.

:■■■■ belongs to Canada Calgary Shaw Communications Inc. I doubt your ISP would be in Canada since you live in Europe.

It looks like svchost.exe is communicating with on port 1027. Blocking this shouldn’t give you any disadvantage or anything. So make a rule for %windir%\svchost.exe that only allows communicating on port 53, 67 and 68 (and 123 if you’re using Windows Time). 53 is for DNS (converting IP to domains) and 67, 68 for DHCP (obtaining/updating your IP).


thanks!!! (:CLP)