strange chinese signs, help needed


While browsing the Trusted Files, I have detected some very strange chinese signs and added them to the Blocked Files sections. I am worried right now and do not know what to do. I have uploaded an image of the problem.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

This is normal. These are just trusted vendors who happen to be Chinese.

If you like you can remove these from the TVL, but they were verified by Comodo.

Thank you for your answer. I was just worried, because usually there are only .exe and .dll files in the Trusted Files list and therefore i thought these chinese signs might be an executable.

I am assuming that you have some Chinese software on your computer, right?

Therefore these are probably just Chinese exe’s and dll’s. I can’t see enough to make sure, but if that’s it then they were probably just files whitelisted by Comodo.

If you’re concerned about them, and aren’t sure where they came from, then you can check them out using the methods in my article about How to Tell if a File is Malicious.


I do not have any chinese software on my PC.

Thanks for the linked article, I will have a look at it.