Spybot x 3 FP's

Version 477 (XP SP3+ x86)

File: TeaTimer.exe (v1.6.6.32 in Spybot v1.6.2.0)
Name: Heur.Suspicious.Attribs
Url: Spybot 2.9 Download - Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus : Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus
DB: 1080
Heuristics Scanning/Level: High

File: TRGNNYXBMGVT.scr (v1.6.5.28 in Spybot v1.6.2.0)
Name: Heur.Suspicious.Attribs
Url: Spybot 2.9 Download - Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus : Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus
DB: 1080
Heuristics Scanning/Level: High

File: JLXDSAO.scr (v1.6.6.32 in Spybot v1.6.2.0)
Name: Heur.Suspicious.Attribs
Url: Spybot 2.9 Download - Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus : Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus
DB: 1080
Heuristics Scanning/Level: High

No indications in Virustotal.com 22/3.

Edit. Type error: JLXDSAO.scr changed from jLXTSAO.scr

Can you please tell us Virus Signature Database Version in use at the time you got these detections?

We had these apps detected earlier as FP but we fixed those.


[EDIT: I missed to see you have mentioned DB version. We will check it out.]

These 3 files are uploaded in mail as requested (in mail).

All 3 resolved with DB 1083, thanks.