Spy Sweeper definition updates?

Hello all,

Sorry to be a bother, and I have not had a lot of time to play with the FW, but am having problems with Webroot’s spy sweeper definition update.

Believe it to be on the incoming side as opposed to the appication and out.

SS says no internet connection, but goes out to update page.

Anyone else have this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help.

KY Dan

Welcome to the forum.
If you go to security/tasks and “define a new trusted application”, and try if it works.
If it doesn’t work, you can go to Application monitor and double click on SS and enable “allow invisible…” and “skip advanced security…” and see if it works.
Restart the firewall!
There are more things to try, but try these first.

I use Spy Sweeper with no problems at all. Do you have it set to auto-update, or are you trying manually?

I have got the same problem. It opens my firefox and says i va got the latest verison of the program and don’t update it.If i unistall and reinstall when i am reinstalling, then it updates the definitions.
I am a legal copy of Webroot Spy sweeper.
It isn’t problem of Comodo. Is problem of the site.
And i am in Spain.

I take it that you have FF set as your default browser. What happens if you try with IE set as default?
I prefer FF over IE, but many programs only function properly using IE.

I have been using FF with Spysweeper without problems, but with IE i’ve got the same problem.
No problem of browser or FW. Is an internal problem of Webroot site.

Wow! Thanks for all the quick responses!

I’ve done both the trusted and the monitor changes routes adding every single exe that ss has. I’ve also consulted with ss’s techs for days and they have no clue as to why the def’s don’t update.

The only clue that I’ve had is the IGMP stop on the incoming when I try for updates which made me think possibly it was a fw setting.

Haven’t tried ff as I’ve been somewhat happy with IE.

Haven’t been overly impressed with ss, used to have the paid version of ad-aware and was happy with it. Not sure how it compares with ss.

Thanks again for the responses.

KY Dan

Downloaded ff and am having the same problems as before - definition update does not work but upgrade page shows up, error of no connection.

I also had the same results as Rafal and am successful if uninstall and reinstall. Only the first definition update works.

Any suggestions? A browser setting perhaps? I also use Kaspersky as my antivirus, but I’ve deactivated the prodefense function.

KY Dan

Does Spy Sweeper have a update.exe something in the Spy Sweeper folder that you could add as a trusted app?

If you turn off Network monitor, does it work then?
Try to set the other to on/off too.

Does Spy Sweeper have a dll you could add in component monitor?
At least check there, so it doesn’t have anything blocked.

there is no problem with COMODO. I have been using CFW with Spysweeper a long time without problems until a week ago. I added all .exe of SS as trusted app
Is a webroot problem.
