services.exe is about to modify the windows registry root...

I often get the following window message while I am online and of course I temporarily block it as suggested. Lately I also get it whenever I open my browser after connecting. At times I do not notice any slow down after blocking it, but sometimes the connection gets really slughish.

services.exe is about to modify the windows registry root HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\SERVICES\TUNNEL\tYPE it is unusual to get this type of message…

I was wondering what this message is about and which program brings this on THANKS AND KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK :-TU

[attachment deleted by admin]

Would anyone be so kind as to tell me what is causing this message to pop up, and what I should do with it, thanks

The registry key is related to the IPv6 support by Microsoft. Do you have uTorrent installed on your computer? uTorrent likes to use IPv6.

I got this think also after the updating Comodo (new update Today.), it is same as bjex75. What is going on there?

I don’t use any P2P program.

Same here… Never had any p2p program installed, call me ignorant but I never heard of uTorrent let alone ipv6, Would you be so kind as to tell me more about it? Should I assume there is a problem with my connection? thanks

There is no problem with your connection, this is just happening because that particular registry key (group) is protected from modification by Defence+.

The ControlSet is a protection device for your registry which enables you to go back if something happens. Some info here

Its related to the setting of the Microsoft Tunnel MiniPort Adapter Driver and its current state. I would Allow it and remember, you shouldn`t be bothered by it again then.


Many thanks for the reply. As I told you I did mot kmow much about this thing…
You guys keep up the good work!

I am experiencing this too under Windoze 7. I tell it to allow always and it comes back again and again and again. I tell it services.exe is a trusted application and it tells me it is already a trusted application.

How do I stop these repeated requests. False alarms greatly reduce security and this is one that just won’t go away. It makes me want to get rid of Comodo since it has become just about worthless with these incessant requests for the same thing. >:(

Services.exe is too important to just let it do its thing. That is by design.