Script not running with Emailnotification


When I try to run the script:

 /backup_operation /log "c:\report\result.txt" /type filesandfolders /source "C:\Share\" /simplecopy /compressionlevel low /destinationtype  destinationtypenetwork  /destinationpath "\\backup\Volume_1\" /backup_type full /diskusage high /processorusage normal /exclusionfilter "*.tmp|*.bak|Thumbs.db" /emailnotification /onfailure /smtpserver /port 25 /subject test /sender xxxxx<at>xxxx.xx /recipient xxxxx<at>xxxx.xx /emailusername "xxxxxx" /emailpassword "xxxxx" /emailsecurity TLS" 

It hangs “COMODO Backup main executable” on task manager

if the email part is taken

 /backup_operation /log "c:\report\result.txt" /type filesandfolders /source "C:\Share\" /simplecopy /compressionlevel low /destinationtype  destinationtypenetwork  /destinationpath "\\backup\Volume_1\" /backup_type full /diskusage high /processorusage normal /exclusionfilter "*.tmp|*.bak|Thumbs.db"

everything looks fine on backup but not log is saved on c:\reports\result.txt (the file results.txt is created on c:\reports)

So how can I get mail sended and report saved while doing the backup ?

OS Windows 8 Pro

Thanks in advance


Please add: /log_method “create” inside your script file and try again.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your help.
I add /log_method “create” but still getting the same result.

While trying agaiin and again, still with same issue… Any ideas ?