"Scanning" What is this problem?.

When I am Able to get the AV to scan. It seams that Comodo Ignores my settings.

In the “Exclusions” tab in the AV Settings GUI I set the Scanner to exclude HDD’s that I don’t want Scanned.
But It still scans them, and what is worse Is the HDD identity, the drive being scanned is the “S:\Apps\Books” but the scanning process GUI says this "Status: M:O\Apps\Books
The images below are what I have set and see.
any Ideas??


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When adding files to the exclusion list, CIS still scans them but ignores anything found in them. The wrong drive paths displayed is a bug.

Hello “.FaZio93.”

You sure about this

Is this “bug” already in the "Bug Report Section of the forum?? (I have not found this here).
Is there No way to stop the scanning on Drives that Do Not need the scan??
The reason I am asking this is “My Gig”, this particular computer I work on a lot, Has 7 HDD’s with a total of 3 Terra Bytes of storage, we are talking days ??? for a a scan.
Any Mods that you can think of??

Thanks .FaZio93., (btw, How is Florida these days)

I don’t think the scanning of the exclusion list is a bug. I don’t know why it was developed that way, but that’s what I read from one of COMODO’s staff member’s posts. (i’ll try to find it).

Now, the wrong drive letter displayed during on demand scanning, is bug that I’ve seen reported a couple times in the bug board. (It would be a good assumption that COMODO is prioritizing most important bugs first, but GUI bugs are on the list.)

Not that I know of.

Pretty warm for winter. :slight_smile: