I run XP SP3 and Avast free and Comodo Pro. No problems there. However, I do have several queries:
1 How does Comodo Defense +/ Scan drives, for malware antivirus, etc., compare with Avast scanning hard drives? Does Comodo do just what Avast does, according to its databse at the time, or is there something different between the two?
Scan Drives scans all hard drives. I have a Maxtor external backup drive. I would prefer it if Scan drives did not scan this external drive, for fear it might corrupt the backups. Unlikley, I believe, but notheless backups are of course critical. Is it possible to configure scan drives to omit this drive?
In any case, I suggest such a facility would be welcome to users and therefore worth considering in respect of the next version, if only because it would avoid having to have all drives scanned, which can be very time consumning if you have a number of hard drives but want only to scan a single drive.
the built in CFP3 scanner is a VERY basic on demand scanner. you can’t config anything. it’s mostly used to scan your PC when first installing the firewall.
like kyle said, if you have avast you really shouldn’t worry about the CFP3 scanner. if you’re interested, COMODO AntiVirus3 should go final tommorow…(not set in stone).
i would recommend staying with avast for a few months while COMODO builds up its database, unless you are confident with using D+.
Actually, CIS is the update to CFP (latest stable version) which will be the “3.5” update, You can install the Firewall only, the Antivirus only or you can install the whole security suite! CIS includes many fixes & technology updates (Defense+ & Firewall related). CIS should be launched very soon, I hope you like it and will help you later with the excluder in it! (As long as you install full CIS).
You need to uninstall any other AV or Firewall Before installing the full CIS. Announcement will be made here when CIS is launched in the Feedback/Announcement board.
I’m sorry., I had stupidly assumed CIS was pay-for, but it is if course freeware - in Beta, but that’s OK by me. The Beta reports are good. I have downloaded that version. You mentioned earlier uninstalling ‘any other AV or Firewall’ before installing CIS. Not quite sure what you are saying there:
1 Do you mean I must uninstall my Avast freeware first?
Presumably I can reinstall that after installing CIS?
What about Windows Firewall, which I don’t use, but might. Must I uninstall that, and not just disable it?
Can I uninstall that and if so how? - it is not mentioned specifically in Control Panel/Add/Remove
You can keep Avast! and only install the “COMODO Firewall”, You will see the options during installation of CIS. You can install Firewall only, AV Only or whole suite. It’s a VERY configurable suite. Uninstall Avast! if you want the FULL suite, AV, FW and all.
Thanks, appreciated. Final question I should have asked last time - before I install the Comodo Beta, do I have to uninstall the Comodo Pro I now have, or will the Beta install take care of that?