sandboxie compaitable with comodo firewall and defense+

I am looking forward to download sandboxie for extra protection. So can anyone tell me if there are any conflicts between sandboxie and comodo(firewall + defense plus)? I’d like to hear from comodo firewall users.Thank you very much in advance.

Comodo sand box is proven. If we were still on version 4.8 I could see your point. It’s up to you but i think it would be a useless process feeding on your ram and processor not matter how minimally. The only strong point I can see with Sandboxie is the simplicity of sand boxing your browser.

How cool would it be if CIS could perfectly sand box Dragon ;D

I use Sandboxie with CFW (FW and Def+) without any issue.

I also use Sandboxie with the firewall and D+. I’ve never had a problem.

Win XP SP3, 32bit.

sAyer, the problem I have with Comodo’s sandbox is its lack of configurability. I don’t use Sandboxie because I feel that Comodo’s offering isn’t secure, merely that it isn’t very user friendly yet. I have high hopes for the upcoming version 6 release.

It’s very easy to tweak almost every aspect of your sandboxed applications in Sandboxie. The only configuration options you have with the Comodo sandbox is access rights restrictions.

Edit: Removed an extraneous ‘don’t’ to hopefully make more sense. :slight_smile:

No issues here.
When you install Sandboxie, a window should pop up with a list of all the programs that Sandboxie can automatically tweak itself for…Comodo is one of them.
Also, when people complained that Comodo Dragon was acting up while inside Sandboxie, the developer did something ??? to let Dragon run smoothly.

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