Sandbox doesn't seem to work at all...

RejZoR is right we need explaining!!! >:-D >:-D >:-D

Comodo ppl are so funny. They like you when you praise them like an idiot, but if you want anything clarified, like why CIS5 fails to work under VM, they start with all sorts of lame excuses, answers in a form of yet another question, meaningless answers just to avoid direct answer. After 3 pages and a locked thread i have learned aboslutely nothing about why Comodo is the only program on Earth that requires some super duper instruction that no virtual machine can emulate. While ALL the other security programs work perfectly fine. It seems so hilarious it's almost killing me. I'm not exactly sure how they expect beta testers to properly test their program in any beta phase if they can't run it in VM. I know i wouldn't want to use such program...

RejZoR you would probably be taken more seriously by the Comodo staff if you did not have a long history of posting childish things like the above.

Quite why you think they should drop everything and attend to your every little personal desire I cannot imagine, I am sure they have more important things to attend to.

Only a dev can help you but they need to lose their precious time to check comodo in the outdated virtualPC2007, since is not vey useful and right now they have more important thing to do I think that they are not going to lose their time on it. Or maybe any Dev already know about this problem but have not read this thread.

Anyway you are asking in the wrong forums, you should try here:

I don’t and never had ANY problem with any program, be it anciently old or brand new. Except with Comodo. So my question is perfectly in place.

WOW, after search a little bit in google seems that you are the only one.

Seems that you didnt test that much, VirtualPC have problems with Norton and Karsperky do you want me to look for more security soft?

OK. Solution: MS Virtual PC 2007 is not a suitable environment for any Norton security product to work in. VMware works fine and I have activated.

So, the 2 most famous AV companies in the world dont run properly in VirtualPC 2007, VirtualPC dont emulate properly the system and as you can see is not something special in Comodo, the 2 most famous AV dont work either.

You can wait here and see if any dev want to spend some time looking for bugs in VirtualPC to answer your question.

Lord Raiden has a point that users who came across bugs when using other security programs in Virtual PC 2007 they did bring that to the VPC 2007 developers. Bring it to their attention.

Time for you to write a bug report at the VPC 2007 forums

Apparently VPC 2007 is not up to the job of emulating a total OS. I see no use in a VM only emulates certain aspects of an OS.

Again you the facts. Too bad for you CIS is not working in VPC 2007. But it is time to face up to reality and stop whining.

I’ve written 3 lines full of F words, but have decided you’re not worth it. It seems Comodo has only 6 year olds for beta testers. That has to be reliable. Bye.

You can wait here and see if any dev want to spend some time looking for bugs in VirtualPC to answer your question.

Nobody uses VirtualPC 2007, norton, kasperksy, probably others dont work properly on it.

Why this is so important? is not even a bug in Comodo? why a developer need to spend his time testing for a bug in another software?

Why a betatester of Comodo need to worry about this? Is not the work of a Comodo betatester find bugs in another software, and not a single betatester cares about the flaws, incompatibilities and bug in VirtualPC 2007 because nobody uses it.

You say we have 6 years old? jajaja go and cry a little.


Glad to hear you will not be annoying us here again. To be charitable maybe you come over as an offensive individual owing to a poor command of English. Maybe in reality you are sweetness and light. ;D

Oh we have enough patience to keep a troll like you here in these support forums…If you have attitude problems, go and find a shrink. Dont come here again.


Wow… gone a couple of hours and KaBOOM! Talk about tantrums. This topic is so locked (again).

Sorry Egemen. :frowning: