Resetting Sandbox does Not Kill Processes Running in the Sandbox [M1362]


Sandbox reset is, so far, working as developers intended.

CIS Cloud still not rating AMD/ATI Catalyst software and modules as Trusted.

Some components were auto-sandboxed, but it seems not the same problem as before with CIS 7 running as Untrusted in the sandbox.

But here’s the quirk - since Catalyst controls the display and power setting drivers its components are set to autorun at system boot. By the time Comodo starts on my system Catalyst and components are already in the Unrecognized Files list. In other words, during startup CIS isn’t generating HIPS alerts. I saw this with CIS 7 as well.

In any case, I moved the AMD/ATI software to Trusted files as I can’t afford to have another crash.

Installation still stops right after the “Congratulations” screen.

Keeping fingers crossed.

In process of submitting bugs.

I’m very happy to hear that this particular issue seems fixed. I have therefore closed this entry in the tracker and will move this report to Resolved. If this issue returns please respond to this topic.
