Registry files

I have read that when used in conjunction with Avast AV Comodo firewall can build up a large number of unnecessary files in the registry which can eventually slow down the PC. I have been runnning avast and comodo together for about 12 months and my PC is now noticeably slower. Anyone know a fix or an easy way to clean these files? I’m running XP SP3 x32 with Comodo ver 3.14 and Avast 5.0.0545, and also running TuneUp Utilities.

I used TU a while back until, in my personla experiences, it cause more harm than good. I now use Advanced System Care and that seems to work real nicely for the Junk. Comodo offers a System Cleaner, though I only recently found out about this lol. You might try that as well.

Go to Defense + → Advanced → Computer Security Policy and use the purge button. That will get rid off rules for files that are no longer on your system.

Then follow these guidelines by Ragwing.

Also you can reduce the amount of program listed started by Explorer. After selecting Explorer → Edit → Access Rights → push the modify button behind Run an executable → now remove all needless rules under Allowed Applications. When done Apply and Ok your way back to the main screen.