Red is a Bad Color for the Tray Icon

Yep, good idea with the mode colors :slight_smile:
A somewhat inferior alternative would be configurable icons. I mean dialog themes were added (for whatever reason), it should be no problem adding variable tray icons.

This is assuming people would know what the colors mean. Not such a good idea. Or for colorblind folks? I would prefer popup alerts if there is a problem.

You don’t have traffic lights where you live?? LOL

Or for colorblind folks?

Very, very valid point. Although red is commonly used to indicate a danger condition, red, along with green, is also the most commonly affected colour in colour blindness. I’ve never been an advocate of red in a UI for that reason.

Ewen :slight_smile:


Of course, but that’s entirely besides my point that a red symbol in the systray does not make you feel that everything is okay.

Sure, but I’m just trying to improve usability. I’m not quick to assume that every user is going to automatically equate the colors of a taskbar icon to anything other than decoration. Not to mention that traffic lights around here don’t have blue lights. :wink:

At the very least, there should be mouseover text relating to the status indicated by the color of the icon.

+1 :-TU

I have to disagree with the color changing thing. If any of you are familiar with TuneUp Utilities, their tray icon actually has a secondary icon shows either a green check, or yellow alert sign. If you’re not familiar with it, just check the last post on the first page of this thread. It’s in my png.

This way it’s colorblind friendly.

Yes, something like that would be much harder to misinterpret. :-TU

And also protects the brand :slight_smile:

How about a 1 green tick over icon when all is good
2 yellow exclamaition mark over icon when maintenance needed
3 white question mark over icon when something is questionable
4 Red cross over icon when suspected malware found

or just make the standard icon steady for all good and flashing on and off for a problem, I quite like this idea flashing icon would catch your eye.

This could help define meaning for more people. Kind regards

I agree. In fact the color scheme in v3 is quite nice, v5 can still use it and make it more stylish, Hope the tray icon can be changed in the next version of v5!!! or at least provide the option to use one’s favorable color scheme.

I used to love the icon of NeoavaGuard. It was blue and used to flash red for some time when something suspet happens and will probably( I donot remember well) remain red until you open the GUI and have a look at the issue.

Nice new design. But having the network traffic animation eye-catching was one of the ingenious features of your product. Now it’s gone. Please, please, reenable it !

You still can have traffic animation. Open CIS GUI. Go to more, preferences, general and tick show traffic animation in tray. Kind regards

It works but it is no longer “eye-catching” since it blends into the red icon too much.

Yes, that’s exactly what I tried to express. The tray icon was perfectly designed to grab my intention when something transfers data without my intention. And enabled a quick and easy estimation of incoming and outgoing traffic. Helpful to judge whether the directory listing request over the slow VPN connection is actually proceeding, for example.

Now I see something blinking. Have to look closely to distinguish outgoing and incoming. Nearly impossible to estimate amount of traffic …

:o … attention, of course …

Sorry I was mistaken with your question. Kind regards

Think nothing of it. Obviously, my comment wasn’t concise enough.

By the way, I really appreciate the rest of the work of the designers. I even would like the tray icon - if it wouldn’t affect functionality …