Problems since Windows upgrade

I recently upgraded my operating system from Win Vista Home Premium to Win 7 Home Premium. Everything works fine, except for Comodo. I tried to reinstall, and I keep getting the same message:

Source file is corrupt. Error 4294967295

I have tried downloading the file from the Comodo site, and tried from an official mirror at MajorGeeks. Even downloaded on a different computer, and tried to install from a flash drive. All gave the same message. Any ideas on what to try next?

Security software almost never survives through OS upgrades because they install and initialize drivers specifically for that edition of the OS.

I would try running the uninstaller, then run the comodo cleaning .bat file. If the uninstaller is throwing the error then the windows install cache is corrupted and probably not even forced uninstall via revo will work.

If all that fails then your looking at backing up your data, and doing a clean install instead of upgrade.

If the uninstaller or installer is throwing an error preventing you from installing or uninstalling then run Windows Installer Cleanup Utility and remove the CIS/CPF entries.

When that’s done run the clean up tool preferably in Safe Mode and as admin. :et us know if that helps you or not.

I tried the steps that you recommend. Still no luck. The thing that is so irritating is that Comodo was the only problem program that I encountered on the upgrade. Everything else works fine…

Can you check the ProgramData folder and make sure that all folder related to Comodo are deleted?

There was a Comodo file in the ProgramData folder. However it was empty. Could that have been causing the problems?

Did you try to install CIS after you deleted the file from the ProgramData folder?

Did Windows Installer Cleanup Utility find traces of CIS? If so, did you remove them?

When installing also try cleaning the Windows temp folder just in case.

Klyus, please don’t cross post. You already have your own topic about this problem.

Ops… sorry. :o

Np. You’re new here so I won’t hold it against you. It’s just a friendly nudge.

Ok. No problem brow. :wink: