[ol]- Is it a bug/issue?. If it’s a wish list item post here. If it’s a translation issue post here. If you are not sure its a valid issue ask for help first here. Mods will always be happy to transfer topics back to bug reports later if they are proved to be valid issues.

  • Already reported? Please search the bug forum and look at the known issues list to check if this exact bug/issue has already been reported for the current version of CIS, and add your report to the existing topic if it has. If it’s similar to but different from an existing report, please create a new one. Mods may split or merge topics as they feel appropriate.
  • One bug per post. It’s impossible to track/discuss bugs/issues if there are more than one per topic
  • Settings changes & re-installation tried?. Have you tried a clean install using this process here? Have you tried all relevant settings changes? If you have a program that will not run or work properly - whether an application, utility or security program - please try the guidance here before posting and don’t post if the fixes resolve the issue. (In the case of security programs try only the recommended fixes). Otherwise please check the relevant AV, FW, D+ & installation FAQs for solutions before posting.
  • Help or GUI-only issue? If its an issue clearly relating to the GUI and only the GUI (eg mistakes in fixed help text, window sizing) you need not use the standard format, instead you can report it using a simpler format.
  • Current version? Please report only bugs/issues for the latest major version of CIS in this forum.[/ol]


  • Post all issues that meet the above criteria, including simple help or Gui text mistakes in the main bug forum. Mods will transfer as required
  • Use the STANDARD FORMAT unless its a simple help or gui text mistake in which case follow the guidance in the link.
  • Record all information items in the format, except, those preceded by 'if or ‘any’ which may be inapplicable in specific cases