Missing text in Balloon Popup

Ocassionally, I would get missing text in all the balloon popups, sometimes I would have to reboot several times in order to fix it.

As shown in the image below:


The red circle indicating the missing text.

It’s not a major issue, just a bit nerve-racking sometimes. Is there solution? Am I the only one facing this problem?

Thank you for your time.

I have the exact same problem.

I just installed Windows XP Pro SP3 to a machine, and the latest CIS shortly afterwards.

All Defense+ pop-ups have no description text at the top (Doesn’t seem to affect network/firewall pop-ups)

I uninstalled and reinstalled CIS but the problem was not fixed!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Are you on a Virtual Machine?


No, it’s a real machine/install

Ok, Thank’s For The Quick Reply,

I’ve Asked Other Mods To Help You …


Looks like (at least in my case) this was an accident.

After installing the latest video drivers (nvidia) the message now works properly.

Not sure if this applies to Blindfold’s problem as I assume he’s already got his drivers installed but I’d suggest an update if they’re old