Meet the Administrators and Moderators !

What’s wrong with being the youngest? :frowning:

What have i done,why didnt i check his age before nominating him,its all my fault :cry: Only jesting :wink:

Seriously though,i wish when i was at school they had computers like they do now,all we had was two BBC thingeys between a class of 30 odd which had 5 and a 1/4 inch disks.And of course you had to let the girls go on them before you so you just ended up throwing paper at one another ,learning sod all and not being able to use it. Its guys/galls like you which with a bit of graft will end up top programmers,system analysts etc.

Good luck to all of ya,

Where are all the profiles of the new moderators ?


i’ve added mine :-La

Hello to all :slight_smile:

I would like to add my profile. Can I modify the reply #1 from myself?

Hi sirio

Just edit the firstsecond post & add your details to it… copy ‘n’ paste of one of the existing profiles to get the format.

Thanks kail :slight_smile:
I have added my profile.

Added my profile. :slight_smile: Maybe I’ll update my pic later, can’t find any good ones :smiley:

perhaps the one you’ve shared with kyle? 88)

Hehe, Ganda’s jalous =)


Mine is added. Pic - later


I will expose you to my ugliness tomorrow :).